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Updated: Oct 12, 2023

better than a filter: discover the MOXI Laser

holding moxi laser handpiece

Unwanted texture? Large pores? Pigment? Fine Lines? The MOXI laser treatment evens, polishes, and rejuvenates the skin for an “airbrush” finish. Elevate was the first medical spa in the Tampa area to offer the MOXI laser, and it remains one of our — and our clients’ — very favorite treatments for a beautiful complexion.

How does MOXI work?

Sciton’s MOXI modality delivers non-ablative laser energy to create thousands of little microscopic channels in the skin, without ever damaging the skin. These small microinjuries prompt your body to repair and replace damaged cells with fresh new ones, stimulating collagen and rejuvenating the skin.

Am I a candidate?

One of the best parts about MOXI is its versatility. Unlike most lasers, MOXI is for almost all skin types and tones! From very fair to deep skin tones, all ethnicities can experience the transformative powers of this laser. Plus, unlike IPL or other types of lasers, it can be safely performed year-round in the sunnier months, without worrying about sun exposure affecting the safety of the treatment (although we always recommend daily SPF).

What can I expect during the treatment?

Topical numbing is applied before treatment to make it as comfortable as possible. Within an hour, you will be finished with your post-care instructions card in hand – its speed making it also known as the “lunchtime” laser procedure.

Afterwards you will feel warm and usually a little red. This will resolve in a few hours. In the following days, MENDS will appear, which feel like small, sandpaper-like dots that slough off over time. Makeup can be applied, and you will be able to live your life normally. No major healing (or hiding) time necessary! You will also pause using any active skincare ingredients while you heal, focusing on gentle cleansing, a simple moisturizer, and sunscreen, of course!

To further correct tone, such as rosacea and sun damage, we like to stack MOXI with its Sciton “sister” BBL laser treatment. These two can be performed together in the same appointment for an even better result! To learn more about why Kim Kardashian can’t live without this combination, book a complimentary consultation in Plant City or Tampa.

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