Banish Your Breakouts with our Acne Tips

Acne is the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million Americans annually. Breakouts are one of the most common reasons our clients seek out our esthetician’s help – and many of our providers themselves have experienced acne and know how frustrating it can be. In honor of Acne Awareness Month this June, we rounded up some quick tips and tricks from each of our talented acne experts at Elevate:
Ice your breakouts first thing after cleansing for 5 minutes.
Mineral SPF is your best friend. It protects your skin from the sun obviously, but zinc oxide can also help decrease inflammation in acne and helps prevent hyperpigmentation from breakouts.
Double cleansing is a must!
Less stripping of skin more nourishing the skin.
Stop your whitening toothpaste - whitening compounds can cause irritation and lead to pimples around the mouth.
Wash your makeup brushes and pillowcases weekly.
As hard as it can be – don’t pick at your skin and ice your breakouts to reduce inflammation.
Don’t dry out your skin! Acne-prone skin needs moisture, too.
Be careful to not over exfoliate, which can leads to a damaged skin barrier and will worsen symptoms.
B12 and biotin are common acne triggers. Avoiding energy drinks/caffeine and supplements that contain these ingredients can be helpful.
80% of your results come from at home medical grade skincare and consistency.
You’re beautiful and your acne does not define you!
Treating Acne-Prone Skin
We recommend scheduling a complimentary skincare consultation to get started on the When it comes to acne, our estheticians carefully analyze the skin and creates a custom recommended treatment plan and at-home routine for each client individually, as everyone’s triggers, causes, and symptoms are unique. Most treatment plans are a combination of therapies, usually involving chemical peels, Hydrafacial, custom facials, and finishing with microneedling to tackle an acne scarring left behind. One service is a “treat,” but a series is a “treatment!”
Using the proper skincare routine at home is also imperative to balance the skin and achieve the results you desire. We offer a variety of skincare products specially formulated for acne and for any budget. Some of our top picks include:
The cause of acne can often be “below the surface,” and nutrition and your daily life also are major factors in the look and health of your skin. Our estheticians take the time to learn about your lifestyle and will make recommendations to treat your acne holistically. We also retail some supplements to help you get started if necessary – with probiotics, zinc, and antioxidants to glow from the inside out.
If you are struggling with acne – know you don’t need to face it alone! Schedule a complimentary skincare consultation in South Tampa or Plant City to get on the path to clearer skin.